Our lavender honey is infused with a lot of patience. We allow our lavender flowers all the time they need to slowly soak their floral flavor into our honey. Not too strong and not too weak, our lavender infused honey is perfect for sweetening tea and morning biscuits, drizzling over sharp cheeses and hot bread, or by the spoonful to sooth the throat and sweeten the soul.
Lavender honey is also the perfect honey for your night-time relaxing tea.
Bear hug tidbit: in the language of flowers, lavender is femininity all grown up, representing devotion, refinement, grace, and elegance.

We stock a wide variety of live edge wood slabs in all sizes, both finished and unfinished.
All our slabs are kiln dried to the utmost perfection. We take pride in being one of the largest suppliers of live edge wood slabs in the great state of Texas.
We stock the following domestic species:

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